Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Here But Nowhere To Go

Hey Everyone

This is my first post and i think the first time i am ever ever in my life writing on public platform.So please pardon me for my mistakes and i would appreciate feedbacks, posts ,comments anything you feel about the posts.

Today morning i was just sitting in office with headphones on listening to music that i cherish and all of sudden i just got fed up of what was playing (which never happens cause i live for music).And i sat to think i need to do something creative something exciting that takes my time and gives me pleasure too.

A few days back my director read a article i wrote on the intra net and a few other posts and he urged me to write another article that he would like to post on his blog. So i came up with this idea of creating my own blog and HERE i am.

Somehow today morning i felt bored with what i was doing i just noticed that past few days i was throwing tantrums and as well as my anger on my friends at work. Not that i hate my job or i am sick of it but i think i need a break and something very soon before i loose it out. Especially after last week when my team leader was on a vacation and the load had to be shed by me and few others responsible. It seems as if all of a sudden things were hitting me with lightning speed
and with a few seniors that were not willing to take responsibility work had seriously piled on. Anyways now that my TL is back things are back to normal but i need a break. So i am going for River Rafting this Saturday with a few office friends not that a day would make a huge difference but should take the stress out a bit and subject to approval i have take the coming Monday off to just rest at home.

Anyways Thats It For Now

Pie Pie

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